World Premiere XIV Written and Performed by George Emilio Sanchez

About This Show
With XIV, renowned performance artist and activist George Emilio Sanchez melds autobiography and history in a fearless performance that conveys the injustices racialized communities face as they fight for ‘equal protection of the laws’. Revolving around a 1946 class action lawsuit by 5 Mexican-American families to have their children enrolled in Orange County, CA public schools by applying the 14th Amendment, XIV serves as a creative counterpoint to the current events surrounding the realities of undocumented “dreamers” and the vitriolic calls for building a Wall.
With humor and spoken word testimony as poetic-protest, Sanchez embodies a response to what we are seeing unfold before us – marginalized people struggling to survive within a broken landscape, pitting constitutional ideals against the experience of being treated as unequal and inferior.
PLAYBILL of this show HERE!
Artist Bio
George Emilio Sanchez is a writer and performance artist. Most recently he created a 24-hour “performance filibuster” on gun violence and gun culture in the United States called Bang Bang Gun Amok at Abrons Arts. This marathon event brought together artists, activists and survivors to create a public space where everyone could acknowledge the trauma of gun violence while addressing how gun culture is historically embedded in our society. Bang Bang Gun Amok II will be re-enacted this December 14-15 at University Settlement. He has been named a Social Practice Artist-in-Residence by Abrons Arts for 2018-2020. He has directed Emergenyc for the past 11 years and the program explores the intersection of arts and activism. He will be premiering an original performance at Dixon Place in the spring of 2019 that will launch his series, Performing the Constitution.
This Dixon Place production is made possible, in part, with public funds from NYC Department of Cultural Affairs with the City Council, and New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo & the NY State Legislature.
June 13, 14, 20, 21, 2019 at 7:30pm
$21 at-the-door
60-70 minutes
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