In the Lounge Glow Worm Maggie Metnick

About This Show
Stand ups, music, drag, poetry, and more, all performed by folks trying it out for the first time! Glow Worm is an incubator for artistic experimentation that gives artists and comedians (and those who might not consider themselves artists or comedians YET) the opportunity to dip their toes into new disciplines or to explore and expand within their own. Sometimes it’s scary and gross but it’s still a glow up. Special comedy guest at the end of the night. Hosted by the original human emotional support dog, Maggie Metnick.
About the Artists
Maggie Metnick is an actor/writer/comedian/professional laugher. She has performed stand up at The Comic Strip, The PIT, Greenwich Village Comedy Club, and Henrietta Hudson. She debuted her solo clown show I Want To Be Your Friend, Please at Dixon Place. She’s grossly excited to show you what these talented, and daring folks have been working on! Follow her for comedy and dog walking content @magnadoodler
Michele Shocked is a working single mother and aspiring category 4 hurricane. She’s been called many things: hysterical, hackneyed, a “hairy-chested harlot.” All true. Michele is a classically trained moron who uses high camp drag to explore and shatter the illusionary structures that govern our lives. It’s more fun than it sounds, promise. She’s new to Brooklyn, having recently moved there to get some space from her 15th husband, Manhattan. Follow her journey to reclaim herself @michele_shocked
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Maggie Metnick
Licensed Therapist*
Michele Shocked