A DP TV PROGRAM Experiments & Disorders Goes Virtual! Featuring Sur Rodney (Sur) and Bishakh Som

About This Show
Featuring Sur Rodney (Sur) and Bishakh Som
Curated by Tom Cole & Christen Clifford
Experiments and Disorders goes Virtual! Fiction, nonfiction, poetry & performance texts by the most adventurous, cross-genre established & emerging writers.
About The Artists
Sur Rodney (Sur), an existentialist wearing a surrealist hat, is enigmatically recognized as an archivist, curator, and writer. Published work by or about him can be found in The Road Before Us: 100 Gay Black Poets (1991); Fire in my Belly: The Live and Times of David Wojnarowicz (2012); Radical Presence: Black Performance in Contemporary Art (2013); Black Gay Genius: Answering Joseph Beam’s Call (2014); The Outlaw Bible of American Art (2016); Art AIDS America (2016), Stonewall Riots: 50 Years Later (2019) among other periodicals, books and catalogs. Currently he has been writing a series of short stories inspired by his muse Phillip Ward.
Bishakh Som‘s work has appeared in The New Yorker, We’re Still Here (The first all-trans comics anthology), Beyond, vol. 2 (The Queer Post-Apocalyptic & Urban Fantasy Comics Anthology), The Strumpet, The Boston Review, Black Warrior Review, VICE, The Brooklyn Rail, Buzzfeed, Ink Brick, The Huffington Post, The Graphic Canon vol. 3 and Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream. She received the Xeric grant in 2003 for her comics collection Angel. Her graphic novel Apsara Engine is out now from The Feminist Press. Her graphic memoir Spellbound will be published by Street Noise Books in August 2020. Bishakh’s artwork was featured in solo shows at ArtLexis Gallery and at Jaya Yoga Center and in group shows at The Society of Illustrators and the Grady Alexis Gallery in New York, the Bannister Gallery at Rhode Island College, Issyra Gallery in New Jersey and most recently at De Cacaofabriek in the Netherlands. Photo Credit: Shriya Samavai
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