WHO MOURNS FOR BOB THE GOON? Joshua Young and Lucia Bellini

About This Show
Who Mourns for Bob the Goon? is a new play about a man that believes he’s the obscure character ‘Bob the Goon,’ a loyal Joker henchman from the Batman comics. The audience follows Bob as he attends a special therapy group for individuals who all think they are, or were, third tier comic book characters. Bob starts to unravel after a new woman is admitted into the group who believes she is from an anime, not a comic.
The characters explore their past as the play switches from their realistic lives and settings to the fantastical comic book realms they think they inhabit.
About the Artists
Joshua Young’s writing has been developed, supported, or produced at: The Playwrights Horizons/ Kenyon Institute Playwriting Conference, Planet Connections Theatre Festivity, Naked Angels Tuesdays @9 Reading Series, Primary Stages Detention Series, MITF, and FringeNYC
Lucia Bellini co-produces and co-directs original films with her husband George Basiev, and she is a founding member of the theatre company WedRepCo. She won Outstanding Direction of a Staged Reading from Planet Connections for her work on Bob.
Who Mourns for Bob the Goon? is the current focus of an artistic collaboration that’s included two full-lengths and several short works.
Friday, Oct. 30 at 10pm
General Admission
$12 in advance
$15 at the door
Students / Seniors
90 minutes
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Image Credit
Dan Paul Roberts