Under Exposed Featuring Lizzy Zevallos, Sarah Konner & Austin Selden, Shauna Sorensen, Barrington Hinds

About This Show

Initiated in the early 90s, this series focuses on emerging, up & coming contemporary choreographers who are refining/defining their distinctive styles. Curated by Doug Post.

Featuring Lizzy Zevallos, Sarah Konner & Austin Selden, Shauna Sorensen, Barrington Hinds

About the Artists

Lizzy Zevallos (choreographer) is from Jackson, NJ. After studying architecture at Middlebury College, she came to New York where she has worked with Yin Yue Dance Company, Warehouse Dance, Abarukas, and Circuit Debris among others since 2011.  She has choreographed works for art galleries around Brooklyn, and has collaborated with several artists and musicians. Amanda McNussen (collaborator) is from Champagne, IL. She moved to NY in 2012 after studying dance at CalArts and has worked with Circuit Debris and BodyArt among others, and has also collaborated with musicians and artists on various independent projects.  

Sarah Konner and Austin Selden have been creating dances together since 2007. Their work and friendship are intertwined and the dances they make stem from their history together. They have shown work throughout New York City and create site-specific performances elsewhere, such as the Detroit Institute of Arts. Sarah and Austin have danced with other companies in NYC and recently collaborated with Amy Chavasse. They are both bodyworkers and each graduated from the University of Michigan with a BFA in dance. Sarah teaches and performs Contact Improvisation and Austin has worked with Shen Wei Dance Arts since 2011.

Shauna Sorensen and Dancers first premièred in 2010 at The Ailey City Group Theater in NYC. Currently the company is working on their newest work “Master Sigh” with funding from the Queens Council on The Arts. The company has presented works at The Queens Fringe Festival, The Quarterly Arts Soiree at Webster Hall, Dixon Place Presents Fast Forward, In-Sight Dance Company’s “Suite Summer”, Rebound Dance Festival, Translate: The Voices of Dance, and The DUMBO Dance Festival. Shauna Sorensen and Dancers strives to create exciting, athletic dance through strong collaboration between director and the current company members.  www.shaunasorensen.com

Barrington Hinds is from West Palm Beach, Florida where He began his training at the School of Ballet Florida under the direction of Marie Hale. He holds a BFA in Dance from SUNY Purchase College. Hinds has worked professionally with VERB Ballets, North West Professional Dance Project, and performed in the national tour of Twyla Tharp’s Broadway show, Movin’ Out. In 2011 Hinds was honored as a finalist for the Clive Barnes Award for young talent in his performance of Stephen Petronio’s Underland. Barrington was a member of the Stephen Petronio Company from 2008 – 2015. Hinds is now freelancing where you can see him in TV, Print, Cinema, and Runway. Barrington’s choreography has been presented at SUNY Purchase, The Tank, Arts on Site, and Warwick Summer Arts Festival to name a few.

Tuesday, May 9 at 7:30pm

General Admission

$15 in advance

$18 at the door



Estimated Runtime
80 minutes

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Photo credit:

Sam Paraventi (for Sarah and Austin)

Cody Potter (for Shauna)

Charles Roussel (for Barrington)