HOT Festival The Personal is Political: Gay Male Poets Reckon with Identity on 9/11. Curated by Jerome Ellison Murphy

How does individual identity intersect with that of a larger community, and of a nation? Poet & critic Jerome Ellison Murphy introduces a one-hour reading featuring four gay male poets, Sebastian Doherty, Joseph Legaspi, David Groff, and Brad Vogel, to reckon with the multivalence of gay male identity in our fraught national moment.

Jerome Ellison Murphy is a poet and critic based in New York City. He earned his MFA from the Creative Writing Program at New York University, where he currently serves as Undergraduate Programs Manager. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in LitHub, Narrative Magazine, Bellevue Literary Quarterly, Spunk Arts Journal, and elsewhere, and was recorded for NPR as part of the Poetry Well performance series. His critical writing has appeared in The Yale Review, LA Review of Books, Publishers Weekly, The Brooklyn Rail, and elsewhere.

Featured Poets:

Jerome Ellison Murphy (host) is a poet who holds an MFA in creative writing from New York University, where he currently serves as undergraduate programs manager in creative writing. He is also a consulting editor at Park & Fine Literary and Media, working on middle grade and young adult projects.
David Groff’s most recent book, Live in Suspense, was published in 2023 by Trio House Press. His previous book Clay, also from Trio House, was chosen by Michael Waters for the Louise Bogan Award. His first collection, Theory of Devolution, was selected by Mark Doty for the National Poetry Series. An independent book editor, he teaches poetry and publishing in the MFA creative writing program at the City College of New York.
Joseph O. Legaspi authored the collections Amphibian, Threshold, and Imago and the chapbooks Postcards; Aviary, Bestiary; and Subways. He works at Columbia University, teaches at Fordham University, and resides in Queens, New York.
Sebastian Doherty is the author of the chapbook The Real Donner Party, and received an MFA in poetry from New York University. He grew up outside of Denver, Colorado and lives in Brooklyn.
Brad Vogel is a poet and author of the poetry collection Broad Meadow Bird (2015) and the new poetry collection Find Me In the Feral Pockets: Poems from the Gowanus Interregnum (Euphrosine Publishing 2024). His poem “It’s Time” was a finalist for the 2020 Erskine J. Poetry Prize. Find out about all his varied and unusual pursuits at.


Wed, Sept 11, 2024 7:30PM

Standard Tickets
$15 in advance
$10 at the door

Hottest Tickets
$50 (because you love us and we love you!)

Estimated Runtime
45 min

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Jerome Ellison Murphy
