Can Zydots Shampoo Help You Pass A Hair Drug Test

You’ve probably heard about Zydot Unlimited’s most popular detox shampoo for passing a hair drug test. Before you go ahead and search for “Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo near me” with your wallet in hand, it’s a good idea first to get to know the facts about this product.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo For Weed Detox

By itself, Zydot will only be able to do little in flushing out weed from your hair follicles. However, it becomes invaluable to your success when paired with the proper detox method (think Jerry G).

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is an essential ingredient for two of the most popular hair detox method: The Jerry G and the Majuco. Looking at Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo reviews online, you can tell its effectiveness in general detox and passing a hair drug test.

Pros and Cons

Now that you understand its importance in passing a hair drug test, let’s look at the Pros and Cons of this product to help in your buying decision.


  • Stellar online reviews, signifying trust and authority. You can search for ultra cleanse detox shampoo reviews online to see for yourself.
  • Scientific studies prove THC reduction effects.
  • Less expensive than alternatives.
  • It’s perfect for both the Jerry G and Majuco Methods for passing a drug test.
  • Many people claimed they passed by washing with it a couple of times without resorting to the methods as mentioned earlier.


  • Though not as expensive as other alternatives, the $34 is still only suitable for one use.
  • In a study conducted on the product, one wash only removed 36% of THC, not enough if your hair has high levels of weed residues. Multiple washes typically solve this.

How to Use Zydot’s Ultra Clean Shampoo?

If you opted to use this product as a stand-alone remedy for passing a hair drug test, we’ve laid down in steps the most effective way to use it:

  1. First thing’s first, cease drug use of any kind immediately.
  2. Ready the shampoo packet. You’re only going to need ½.
  3. Shampoo your hair thoroughly, all the way into the roots, then rinse.
  4. Your product comes with a purifier. Use all of it and make sure to get up on the scalp.
  5. Comb your hair while it’s soaked in the purifier.
  6. Let it sit there for ten minutes before washing it thoroughly.
  7. Apply the other half of the shampoo, then rinse again thoroughly.
  8. Zydot’s ultra-clean products also come with conditioners. Apply it on your hair and let it sit for 3 minutes, then rinse.
  9. Keep in mind that you’ll need to do this at least four times before your drug testing.

There you have it. Easy steps. The repetition is because only a tiny percentage of the THC gets removed from your hair per application. To get the best results, you should shampoo at least four times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews - Should I Rely on Them?

For many consumers, reviews act as a critical part of purchase decisions. Zydot’s shampoo, along with Old Style Toxin Rid Shampoo reviews, scour the web, and almost all of them are positive. These two products perfectly complement each other, especially if they're part of a more extensive detox method.

Zydot’s Shampoo itself is undoubtedly an effective product. If you’ve never heard about it, you might want to give if you want to pass your upcoming screening.

Where to Buy Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo in Stores?

So, where to buy Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and conditioner? You can get them from both brick-and-mortar and online stores. There’s probably a good chance that your local Walmart has them in stock.

Is This Product Safe for My Hair?

All-natural ingredients make up Zydot, making it safe to use as a stand-alone. But if you’re using it as part of a more extensive Majuco method, the other ingredients involved (acne wash and liquid detergent) can pose a threat to your scalp.

Final Thoughts

Zydot’s shampoo has proven to be effective when it comes to hair detox. If you’ve ever come across someone saying that it doesn’t work, remember that people use this product in different ways. Different applications produce different results.

The fact alone that it can reduce THC as high as 36% in a single wash should be enough to convince you of its effectiveness. When using any hair detox method, this product goes hand in hand with Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo Old Style, allowing you to feel confident in your upcoming hair follicle drug test.