Everything That You Need To Know To Pass A Drug Test

This article is about how to pass a drug test. Knowing the kinds of drug tests and the detection periods for cannabis and other substances is vital if you want to pass a drug screen. 

Drug tests are usually carried out by doctors, doping agencies, courts, employers, and probation officers. This article will inform you of everything you need to know to pass a drug test, such as a marijuana drug test.

What is a Drug Test?

Drug testing is the analysis of a specimen, be it hair, urine(pee), sweat, blood, saliva, or breath, to ascertain if a specific drug or its metabolites are present or not. 

Toxin Rid

Drug tests are usually carried out for various reasons: detecting usage of performance enhancement drugs by doping agencies, police tests for the volume of alcohol in the bloodstream (blood alcohol content), parole officers, and employees' test for illegal drugs (e.g., Heroin, Meth, Cocaine, etc.). 

How Does a Drug Test Work?

Drug tests usually involve collecting samples before testing, be it hair, sweat, blood, breath, etc. Is it possible to beat a drug test? Yes, as long as you adhere to the guidelines for detoxification, it's possible.

While there's no best way to pass a drug test aside from abstinence, there are many effective ways, which are faster than others. For example, there are detox drinks, capsules, pills, hair detox shampoo, mouthwash, and even home remedies. 

If you want to pass UA (urine analysis), consider how much time is left before the test, weight, frequency of use (especially for pot), budget, etc. Using a dilution drink can help you pass a urine drug test in 24 hours naturally. Home remedies to pass a urine drug test include sweating, sauna or fitness routines, homemade dilution drink, sure gel, etc. 

Hair drug tests will involve recommended detox shampoos or home remedies such as Macujo and Jerry G method. To pass a saliva test, peroxide mouthwash is your go-to solution. 

Drug Test Dos and Don'ts


  • Practice abstinence from drugs or substances before your drug test, especially drugs or substances that you'll be tested for.
  • Though it won't be as sophisticated as the test kits provided by drug testing experts, use home detection test kits to test yourself for drugs in your system to ensure your detoxing method is working.


  • Still using drugs or substances despite being aware that you have an upcoming drug screening
  • Not educating yourself on the different kinds of drug testing and the likely drug test you'll be undergoing

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

  1. How should you not fail a drug test?

To pass the drug test, one should strictly adhere to the guidelines for detoxing your hair, saliva, urine, etc. Also, know that there are different methods to handle different drug tests. For example, you can't use a detox drink to pass a hair drug test (requires detox shampoo). For more information on THC detox methods, including tips on detox drinks and pills, you can read this helpful article from Orlando Magazine: https://www.orlandomagazine.com/best-thc-detox-methods-how-to-get-weed-out-of-your-system/

  1. What is denied before a drug test?

You should discontinue the usage of drugs when you have an upcoming drug test to make your detoxing method more effective.

  1. What can be detected with the help of a drug test?

Here is the detection time for the cocaine drug tests:

  • Saliva test - appears within 10 mins and disappears within 72 hours
  • Urine test - appears within 5 hours and disappears within 72 hours
  • hair test - appears within a week and disappears in 3 months

Here is the detection time for Marijuana drug tests:

  • Saliva test - appears within 10 minutes and disappears within one day
  • Urine test - appears within 5 hours and disappears within one month
  • Hair test - appears within a week and disappears within 3 months