To T, or Not to T D'Lo

About This Show
In a hilariously intimate reflection on taking t(estosterone) and his experiences transitioning, D’Lo wonders about issues of access, denial and guilt that come with passing as a cisgender, straight, male, person of color. To T, or Not to T confronts his quest to embody a beautiful masculinity that upholds his feminist politics.
About the Artist
Queer/transgender Tamil-Sri LankanAmerican artist D’Lo fuses spoken word, stand-up comedy, theater, film and music production. He has been most recently recognized co-starring in the HBO series Looking, the Amazon series Transparent and the Netflix series Sense8 .
This Dixon Place commission is made possible, in part, with public funds the National Endowment for the Arts, NY State Council on the Arts with the support of Gov Andrew Cuomo & the NY State Legislature, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Fridays and Saturdays, July 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 & 22 at 7:30pm
General Admission
$22 in advance
$25 at the door
Students/ Seniors (ID/NYC not valid)
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Adelina Anthony
Ass. Director
Zohar Fuller
Meena Murugesan
Sound Design
Stephen Franco
Stage Manager
Jacqueline Blaska