In the Lounge The Maxims of Peter Pockets Zara Antonyan & Stephen Ochsner from The Meyerhold Theatre Centre, Moscow

About This Show
A twenty-year-old boy from Montana has a dream foretelling his death. This experience leaves him convicted that he only has eleven years left to live. As he travels across America to New York, collecting difficult questions about his existence, he explores the nature of life, love, death, and violence. He becomes a man through understanding that everything consists of love. Actor, musician and singer Stephen Ochsner delivers a new adaptation of Ivan Viripaev’s early text in fast-paced, rhythmic tour-de-force.
About the Artists
Zara Antonyan studied at the Yerevan Institute of Theatre, Grotowski Institute, and Meyerhold Theatre Centre in congruence with Moscow Art Theatre School-Studio. She has directed theatrical works in America, Armenia, Russia, France, Lithuania, and Spain, staging the works of Tumanyan, Lermontov, Marquez, Shakespeare, Chekhov and Viripaev.
Stephen Ochsner is an alumnus of the Oklahoma City University. After graduation, he has spent a short time working in Chicago and soon moved to Moscow. There he studied at The Moscow Art Theatre School-Studio and subsequently worked in laboratories at The Meyerhold Theatre Centre and the School of Dramatic Art.
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Directed by
Zara Antonyan
Performed by
Stephen Ochsner
Music by
Benjamin Pratt, Stephen Ochsner, Zara Antonyan
Visuals by
Vahe Akopyan, Leonora Carrington
Lighting design by
Maxim Biryukov
Photo Credit
Alex Litarov