In the Lounge “Snapped!” Queer Storytelling with a Twist No, YOU Tell It!

About This Show
Get lit(erary) for Pride 2019 as fellows from Lambda Literary team up with storytelling series No, YOU Tell It! for a night of queer nonfiction with a twist: Each participant develops their own true-life tale on the page and then trades scripts with a partner to present each other’s story on stage. Four curated storytellers will turn out true tales inspired by the theme ‘Snapped!’ for this special night of queer story swapping. Join us for drinks in the lounge at 7 pm, stories start at 7:30.
About the Artists
Mike Dressel (host) is a No, YOU Tell It! creative team member and writer whose work has appeared in Burning House Press, Jellyfish Review, Litbreak, Chelsea Station, and Vol. 1 Brooklyn, among others, as well as in the anthologies Best Gay Stories 2016 and Best Gay Stories 2017. He was a frequent guest judge for the flash fiction reading series The Prose Bowl, and a panelist on the live comedy news show Fight the Feed. He teaches at The City College of New York.
No, YOU Tell It! is a ‘switched-up’ storytelling series that blends the collaborative process of creative writing workshops with the intimacy and immediacy of theatrical performance to create a charged evening of personal stories. Swapping stories gives all involved the opportunity to both develop their true-life tale on the page and then experience their story performed on stage by their partner. Learn more and listen to our podcast at
Lambda Literary ( nurtures and advocates for LGBTQ writers, elevating the impact of their words to create community, preserve our legacies, and affirm the value of our stories and our lives.
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Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons
Mike Dressel
Erika Iverson
Lambda Literary