A DP TV Program SANTA CONTROLS THE WORLD! Created by Paul Zaloom & Lynn Jeffries

About The Show

Premiered May 1, 2020, on YouTube.

New episode, The “War on Christmas”, live now. 

In “SANTA CONTROLS THE WORLD!,” various figures are manipulated as puppets in snowy, retro settings that recall Christmases past while the future zooms in and wrecks everything. The goal is to make episodes that are hilarious as hell while addressing unamusing topics in trademark Zaloom/Jeffries wackadoodle, puppet-and-object style.

Using classic kitsch Santa Claus figures from the 50s and 60s as well as period elves, snowmen, nutcrackers, plastic reindeer, gingerbread men, and corny postcards, this epic series of 3 to 5 minute shows addresses loads of contemporary subjects: omnipresent surveillance, rampant consumerism, stand-your-ground shootings, payday loans, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and plenty of other jolly subjects.

The team has produced four Covid-19 themed episodes so far; the new episode, The “War on Christmas”, is about a phony culture war that elements of the U.S. Christian population endlessly bellyache about at every opportunity. And the puppeteers are putting together ideas for new episodes, buying tons of Christmas crap on eBay, and shooting the whole thing in a dusty East Side garage.

Nothing will stop them except death, which they are strenuously avoiding.

Stay tuned for more Santa hilarity and biting political/social satire! And Merry Frickin’ Christmas!

Made possible in part with support from Dixon Place and the Henson Foundation!

Episode 1 - The "War on Christmas"


Past Episodes (Santa's Off-Season Adventures)


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DP TV programs are free, and participating artists are remunerated. Donations help us bring together visionary artists and adventurous audiences and support the community during this challenging timeIf you can make a gift at this time, we’re very grateful for your consideration! Support DP

New Episode. Watch Now!

This viewing is free, however, we greatly appreciate any contributions.

Estimated Runtime
5-6 minutes

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