Dixon Place Hosts RAQS WITHOUT BORDERS A Middle Eastern and North African Dance Festival

About This Show
This Labor Day weekend, NYC will become the epicenter of cultural diplomacy from 9/1/16-9/5/16. TORKOMADA presents RAQS WITHOUT BORDERS: a Middle Eastern and North African Dance Festival. Join us at our gala show on 9/1/16 at 7:30pm to honor the achievement of Middle Eastern dance professionals during an award ceremony, and enjoy an array of distinguished guest performers and master instructors from all over the world. Ahmed Hussien (Egypt), Valerick Molinary, Nahara, LaUra, Torkom Movsesiyan (Bulgaria), Vanessa of Cairo (U.S.A.-Cairo), Jacques Al-Asmar (Lebanon), and Tava. Five unforgettable days in the world capital of dance-NYC with master instructors, dance workshops, gala show, lecture, award ceremony, and much more. www.torkomada.weebly.
RAQS WITHOUT BORDERS: a Middle Eastern and North African dance festival in NYC is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. LMCC.net