NO SAFE WORD KineticArchitecture Dance Theatre

About This Show
As a professional Dominatrix I have encountered people from diverse backgrounds. One commonality is the need to be known and understood. Erotic and raw dance theatre explores spanking as a symphony, the beauty of bondage and literal blind passion. A flogging can be religious coercion or romantic courtship. Intention is key. This work invites the viewer to visit fantasy free of judgement.
About the Artist
Arrie Davidson aka Faux Pas le Fae is believed to be the reincarnation of Ruth St. Denis and has been described by critics as “the naughty lovechild of Modern Dance and a Burlesque Carnival” – Arrie is a Trans Woman Performance Artist, Choreographer, Writer and Feminist Faerie advocate for social evolution. Major performance credits include Seán Curran Company, Ballet Preljocaj, Justin Bond’s House of Whimsey and The Box-NYC. Her work has been produced at venues such as Dixon Place, Fringe NY, Philly Fringe, The Wild Project, and the NY Burlesque Festival. Arrie is loved by children and cats.
Saturday, Aug. 1 at 10pm
General Admission
$12 in advance
$15 at the door
Students / Seniors
60 minutes
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Artistic Director
Arrie Davidson
Lisa Clementi
Diane Skerbec
Meghann Bronson
Dara Swisher
Brittany Posas
Cecily McCullough
Costume Designer
Lori Gassie
Photo Credit
Shane Velazquez