A DP TV Program Guerrilla Lit – Live on Zoom! Featuring John Domini, Suzanne Dottino, and Joseph Salvatore.
About This Show
Premiered May 13, 2020, on Zoom.
This series has hosted readings by emerging & established authors since 2007. Because the pen is mightier than the Kalashnikov (we hope). Featuring John Domini, Suzanne Dottino, and Joseph Salvatore
Curated by Lee Matthew Goldberg, Camellia Phillips, and Marco Rafalá. Hosted by Lee Matthew Goldberg.
About the Authors
John Domini’s latest book is ‘The Color Inside a Melon’. Blurbs came from Salman Rushdie and Marlon James, and the Washington Post praised it as “sage,” “spry,” and “especially well-turned.” He has three earlier novels and three story collections; ‘The Millions’ called his work “a new shriek for a new century.” Other books include selections of criticism and poetry. He’s published fiction in ‘Paris Review’ and ‘Ploughshares’, non-fiction in ‘GQ’ and the ‘New York Times’, and won a poetry prize from ‘Meridia’n. Grants include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. Domini has taught at Harvard and elsewhere and makes his home in Des Moines.
Suzanne Dottino is a writer of fiction and plays. Her story “Angel of Mercy” is in the current issue of The Bellevue Literary Review and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She teaches English literature at BMCC and is founder of KGBBarLit Journal.
Joseph Salvatore is the author of the story collection To Assume A Pleasing Shape, published by BOA Editions, and the co-author of the college textbook Understanding English Grammar. A Spanish translation of his story collection, Presentarse En Forma Grata, was published in 2018 by Editorial Dos Bigotes. He is Books Editor at The Brooklyn Rail and a frequent contributor to The New York Times Sunday Book Review. His fiction has appeared in, among other places, The Collagist, Dossier, Epiphany, New York Tyrant, Open City, Post Road, Salt Hill, Sleeping Fish, and Willow Springs. His criticism has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Rain Taxi, the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture, Angels of the Americlypse: an Anthology of New Latin@ Writing, the Believer Logger and elsewhere. He is an associate professor of writing at The New School in New York City, where he received the University Distinguished Teaching Award, and was the founding editor of the literary journal LIT. He lives in Queens.
This event is funded in part by the Axe Houghton Foundation and Poets & Writers with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
DP TV programs are free, and participating artists are remunerated. Donations help support the community during this challenging time as DP continues to bring together visionary artists and adventurous audiences. If you can make a gift at this time, we’re very grateful for your consideration! Donate here.
60 minutes
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