IN THE LOUNGE Experiments & Disorders Curated by Tom Cole & Christen Clifford
About This Show
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry & performance texts by the most adventurous, cross-genre established & emerging writers. Curated by Tom Cole & Christen Clifford.
Featuring Joyce Miller and Candace Williams
About the Artists
Joyce Miller is a writer and performer based in NYC, born and raised in Philadelphia. She has written satire for McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and participated in the Animal Farm Reading Series. Additionally, she performs in numerous independent theater and film productions throughout New York City and is currently in production for a short film adapted from her satirical essay “My 28 Years of Heterosexuality Was Just a Phase”.
Candace Williams is Head of Community at a podcasting startup by day. By night and subway ride, she’s a poet. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hyperallergic, Lambda Literary Review, Copper Nickel, and the Brooklyn Poets Anthology (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2017), among other places. She’s earned a MA in Elementary Education from Stanford University, a Brooklyn Poets Fellowship, a Pushcart nomination, and scholarships from Cave Canem. Her first chapbook, Spells for Black Wizards, is a winner of the TAR Chapbook Series and will be published in 2017 (The Atlas Review). You can find her cuddling her pit bull while subtweeting the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy (@teacherc).
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Photo Credit:
Dave Rubin (for Joyce Miller)
Shun Takino (for Candace Williams)