CAKE Progressive Theatre Workshop | John J. Caswell, Jr.

About This Show
A reality show called CAKE has descended upon the small Denver-based bakery. Negatively covered in the press for its refusal to sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples, business has plummeted and Lotta and Laszlo Daniels are at risk of losing their livelihood. A gender-fluid femme queer with lots of hair in many places aims to bring the bigoted and lovable owners into the 21st century through complete transformation and assimilation aired on national television. A talking wedding cake presides as chaperone, ringmaster, and all-seeing eye.
CAKE was a 2016 Finalist for The Princess Grace Award.
About This Artist
Progressive Theatre Workshop | PTW is a New York City based 501(c)3 non-profit theatre company that has been making plays about queer things since 2007. The shows are written and directed by John J. Caswell, Jr.
John J. Caswell, Jr. is the Artistic Director of Progressive Theatre Workshop. His work has been developed and shown at HERE, The Public Theater, Theatres at 55 Bleecker, NY International Fringe, Mesa Arts Center, Space 55, and now Dixon Place. He most recently presented God Hates This Show, a Westboro Baptist Church musical fantasia starring Erin Markey. Caswell and company are recipients of awards from organizations such as Pave and The Arizona Commission on the Arts. His play SHOTS: A Love Story is published by Left Coast Press as part of Johnny Saldana’s text Ethnotheatre: Research From Page to Stage.
Equity Approved Showcase
Friday, September 2 at 7:30pm
General Admission
$15 in advance
$18 at the door
Stu / Sen / idNYC
80 minutes
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Molly Pope, Adam Enright, Amanda Duarte, James Jackson, Emily Pintel & Andrew Rincon
Photo Credit by
John Keon