A DP TV PROGRAM Butch, the Li’l Bastard’s Three Recent Brushes with Death and Genealogy Jamie Leo

Butch, the Li’l Bastard’s Three Recent Brushes with Death and Genealogy by Jamie Leo
This sight-and-sound solotacular begins with an aphoristic history of Doc and Bev, rooting canals among the Amish, with a hyperactive Butch who was the go-to-boy for staging north-east Iowa’s most renown Barbie™ dream weddings, employing highly-toxic toys that would be later recalled. Utilizing “carefully curated archival images” this saga will take lucky audiences to Yellowstone, and eventually Baltimore, where workshops with Jerzy Grotowski led to sin and inevitable maternal damnation while en route to playing dead on the floor of a Major Cathedral. In this highly-performative tour-de-buffoonery, sextigenarial Jamie Leo offers up three terrifying accounts of loss and founds, plus a customizable funeral planner, at no extra charge.
About The Artist
JAMIE LEO is author of seven produced plays and two musicals; an Albee Fellowship; numerous creative residences. Collaborators include Deb Margolin, Lisa Kron, Robert Black, and Theodora Skipitares. Published in the The Drama Review, HuffPo, OUT, and others. For the Henson Foundation, he developed a groundbreaking digital puppetry work at St. Ann’s Warehouse. Recently performed his ‘Long Day in a Bad Shirt’ monologues with real-time projected image-mapping at Dixon Place; his work ‘The Night Hides a World’, about his time in Iran, has been performed in New York and regionally. ‘In What You Call The Dark’, his play about sight and blindness, was given a recent reading at New York Theatre Workshop. He was one of the original creators of Dixon Place’s ‘Queer Stories for Boys’.
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