Fast Forward Curated by Sangeeta Yesley

About The show
Choreographers working in all dance forms workshop 25 – 35 min pieces on a shared bill curated around the theme ‘Culture & Space’ with Benjamin Briones Ballet AND Mary Grace McNally & Artists
Benjamin Briones Ballet
Choreography by Benjamin Briones
Performing ‘In Between’
This piece focuses on bringing an awareness to the lack of clean drinking water in remote communities in Central and South America. I have constructed five sections about people in the community, the importance of the task at hand, the environmental havoc that they unknowingly take part in and live in, and the change that can take place in creating a better environment in which to live. The sections are as follows- Section One: The Walk, Section Two: Take Me to the River, Section Three: Glass Heart, Section Four: Rippling Grid, Section Five: Shadow to Prove Sunshine.
Twitter: @BBrionesBallet
Mary Grace McNally & Artists
Choreography by Mary Grace McNally, in collaboration with dancers
Performing “Mollify”
Mollify attempts to find strength inside of a softened, able body. We are interested in how society’s ideas of women, the expectations and limitations, influence our bodies’ reactions to the space and world around us. How we may become hardened, or guarded, in order to try and hone our power. In this body, we may be able to reduce the anger that can overwhelm our physicality and find fortitude while softening together.
Instagram: @marygracemcnally
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 7:30pm
General Admission
$15 in advance
$18 at the door
$12 in advance
$15 at the door
60 minutes
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Photo Credits
Rachel Neville (for Benjamin Briones Ballet), Saskia Kivilo (for Mary Grace McNally & Artists)
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